a-Imagine is a business incubation and innovation programme.

Panel 1

Who We Are

a-Imagine was created for those who want to start a business.  Or refresh — those with feeling that their enterprise could perform much better.

We offer powerful insight, connections, and carefully crafted events to inspire, empower and challenge you.

Approach is to challenge assumptions and deliver results, in a fun engaging ‘learn by doing’ way.

Designed to address the problem of youth and graduate unemployment in Kenya, imagination is a key.

Panel 2

What We Do

Design thinking

Hand in hand with the lean business start–up approach is design thinking. Design thinking stresses action over planning, getting the entrepreneur to look at problems through the eyes of customers.


Knowledge + Skills + Mindset = Success.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere”

Albert Einstein

Learn business start-up approach

a-Imagine injects new thinking on how entrepreneurs actually start businesses by focusing on training on the ‘Lean Business Start Up’ approach.

Learning from the experience in Silicon Valley and Toyota, in the lean business start-up approach the stress is on beginning small, experiment, quickly changing, adapting all the time, focusing on asking ‘what does  the customer really want.

Panel 3

Contact Us

Email: dja@acatalyst.co.ke  

Panel 4


a-Imagine partners include: